на D600 значения 7-сегментного индикатора такие: V7.V6. Status Explanation 80 START System start 81 LOAD_PARA Subsystem programming 82 INIT Subsystem self test 83 INIT_DONE Subsystem self test successfully completed 84 STOP Safe condition following a malfunction, following completed initialization or SS_Switch D600.S1 in Position 1 = OFF. 85 RESET System reset (quick self test and, and if applicable, charge intermediate circuit) 86 STANDBY Generator waiting for exposure request from RTC 87 PREP_EXPOSURE Exposure Prep 88 PREP_DONE Exposure Prep concluded, startup (anode and heating) successful 89 EXECUTE_EXPOSURE Perform exposure 8a EXPOSURE_DONE Exposure processing concluded 8b STOP Error determined during initialization 8c INITIAL_STOP Stop during initialization; generator waiting for setup data from RTC