Добрый день!
Постараюсь помочь, чем смогу.
Описания ошибок на английском или немецком, но, думаю, это не такая уж и проблема :)
604 080 Polydoros ZK-Spann ung kleiner 400V PSX:ZK voltage below Min Meaning:
Intermediate circuit voltage (UZ) < 400V.
UZACT = 1,4 x Umains
Caution! Direct voltage
On initialization:
The charging contactor is switched in by D160. The status of the intermediate circuit voltage is queried after 5s (provided there has been a charging contactor acknowledgment). At a too low intermediate circuit voltage, (< 400V), Error 604 is output.
In operation:
If the intermediate circuit voltage drops during operation, Error 604 is also output.
Possible causes and action:
Phase is missing, intermediate circuit is charged too slowly
Check line voltages
Check UZACT signal at D100.X20.17 and X20.19 (1V = 50V / UZact = 1,4 x Umains)
Check ribbon cable from D100.X20 to D115.X20
Charging resistors R1, R2 defective, Replace resistors
В первую очередь, проверьте исправность резисторов R1 и R2. Возникновение ошибок 421 и 523, считаю, связано с отсутствием напряжения UZ. Ведь недаром сгорел предохранитель!