Дата: Понедельник, 21.Ноя.2011, 16:41 | Сообщение # 1
У вас сообщений: 108
Российская Федерация
Здравствуйте коллеги.На удаленном обслуживании томограф Сименс Somatom AR.Документации под рукой нет,надо ехать.Позвонили ,при включении высокого томограф уходит в ресет,перезагрузки не помогли,надо ехать.Что это может быть.ошибка EX2842,трубка ,генератор,стартер?
Дата: Понедельник, 21.Ноя.2011, 21:54 | Сообщение # 2
У вас сообщений: 43
Российская Федерация
деревня Мурино
DETAILED DESCRIPTION: --------------------- Time from XCENA to TDR_OK was longer than specified in table T55. The signal _ XCENA is set from the DMS function controller ROSY to start high tension and radiation; the signal _TDR_OK is set by the XRS function controller when the tube current and the high tension are in range. Please see also the trouble shooting guide in the section of 5 of the ACS manual.
Reason for error: ----------------- - Bad values in table T55 or T56. - Faulty inverter D22. - Faulty tank board D28. - Faulty control board D27. - Wrong polarity in cable between inverter and ROTANX (only after change). - Bad adaption values for filament. - Faulty Rotanx.
What to do? ----------- 1: Check the timeout value in table T55 (Row 00, byte 3) with SERVICE/ ANALYZE. It should not be less than 15 ms (0F hex). 2: Check the kV, mA and filament values in table T56 with SERVIC/ANALYZE. If any are not correct, perform a new "INIT" to load the tables to the ACS. It may be possible to load the tune up tables from tape and also perform a new "INIT" to load the tables to the ACS. - kV should be 00-A8 hex (50-134 kV). - mA should be 26-7D hex (38-125mA). - Filament should be 1F0-2A0 hex. 3: If the error occurs after a change of single tank ROTANX, check the inverter connection W216 from inverter D22 to Rotanx, X224 AC1 - X252.2. and X224 AC2 - X252.1. This cable X229-X252 should be twisted and laid as close as possible to the Rotanx. 4: Check the other connection as well: - W217 from tank board D28 to control board D27, X243-X242. The shielding of this cable should be connected to ground at both ends. Furthermore it should be laid as far away as possible from the cable W216. - Cable from the Rotanx to the tank board D28, -X220. 5: Measure MANEG and MAPOS at the tank board D28 during a scan in static mode. 6: 6 upto 8 if the result of the measurement is not correct: - In the case of replacing D27; D27 replaces, in old systems, both the CPU board D26 and the I/O board D27. The value of MANEG increases continuously during the scan, change the polarity of the cable W216 (X224 AC1 - X252.2, X224 AC2 - X252.1) at the connection X252/Rotanx. This is only possible after inverter - or ROTANX exchange. Perform a cold start or an "INIT" to load the generator tables again. 7: The value of MANEG is too low: - Check th cable W315 from the control board D27 to the inverter D22, X236- X237. - Check the switch signals CH1 and CH2, if missing replace control board D27. - Check the inverter current with a current transformer of current probe. - Is the system working with maximum pulse width (closed to 50usec) replace the single tank ROTANX. - Is one side of the inverter current missing (positive or negative wave) replace the inverter D22. - Replace tank board D28. 8: The value of MANEG is too high: - Replace tank board D28. - Replace control board D27. 9: Measure HTPOS and HTNEG at the tank board D28 during a scan in static mode. 10: 10 upto 12 if the result of the measurement is not correct: -.In the case of replacing D27; D27 replaces, in old systems, both the CPU board D26 and the I/O board D27). The value of HTPOS and HTNEG are too low: - Check the cable W315 from the control board, D27 to the inverter D22, X236- X237. - Check the switch signals CH1 and CH2, if missing replace control board D27. - Check the inverter current with a current transformer or current probe. - Is the system working with maximum pulse width (closed to 50 usec) replace the single tank ROTANX. - Is one side of the inverter current missing (positive or negative wave) replace the inverter D22. - Replace tank board D28. 11: The values of HTPOS and HTNEG are too high: - Replace tank board D28. - Replace control board D27. 12: The value of MANEG and MAPOS and the value of HTNEG and HTPOS is range ( reaches selected value within specified time from table T55): - Check grounding of tank board D28, -X265. This cable should be laid as far away as possible from the cable W216 (inverter D22 - ROTANX). - Check cable W216 (inverter D22 - Rotanx) and W217 (tank board D28 - control board D27). - Replace control board D27.
Дата: Понедельник, 21.Ноя.2011, 23:22 | Сообщение # 4
У вас сообщений: 108
Российская Федерация
Спасибо,список неисправностей внушает дрожж.Я с Сименсами мало общался,но надо ковыряться.Мой адрес kosh47@mail.ru .Как понял кирдык трубе не исключен.